
Our community is here to help. Please report installation problems in case you should get stuck.

Choose one of the installation methods below to get started:


HPC Systems

If want to use ImpactX on a specific high-performance computing (HPC) systems, jump directly to our HPC system-specific documentation.


Using the Conda Package

A package for ImpactX is available via the Conda package manager.


We recommend to configure your conda to use the faster libmamba dependency solver.

conda update -y -n base conda
conda install -y -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba

We recommend to deactivate that conda self-activates its base environment. This avoids interference with the system and other package managers.

conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda create -n impactx -c conda-forge impactx
conda activate impactx


The impactx conda package does not yet provide GPU support.


Using the Spack Package


Coming soon.


Using the PyPI Package


Coming soon.


Using the Brew Package


Coming soon.


From Source with CMake

After installing the ImpactX dependencies, you can also install ImpactX from source with CMake:

# get the source code
git clone $HOME/src/impactx
cd $HOME/src/impactx

# configure
cmake -S . -B build

# optional: change configuration
ccmake build

# compile
#   on Windows:          --config Release
cmake --build build -j 4

# executables for ImpactX are now in build/bin/

We document the details in the developer installation.

Tips for macOS Users


Before getting started with package managers, please check what you manually installed in /usr/local. If you find entries in bin/, lib/ et al. that look like you manually installed MPI, HDF5 or other software in the past, then remove those files first.

If you find software such as MPI in the same directories that are shown as symbolic links then it is likely you brew installed software before. If you are trying annother package manager than brew, run brew unlink … on such packages first to avoid software incompatibilities.

See also: A. Huebl, Working With Multiple Package Managers, Collegeville Workshop (CW20), 2020