Data Analysis

Beam Monitor

ImpactX provides a zero-sized beam monitor element that can be placed in lattices to output the particle beam at multiple positions in a lattice. Output is written in the standardized, open particle-mesh data schema (openPMD) and is compatible with many codes and data analysis frameworks.

For data analysis of openPMD data, see examples of many supported tools, Python libraries and frameworks. Exporting data to ASCII is possible, too.

See also WarpX’ documentation on openPMD.

Additional Beam Attributes

We add the following additional attributes on the openPMD beam species at the monitor position.

Reference particle:

  • beta_ref reference particle normalized velocity \(\beta = v/c\)

  • gamma_ref reference particle Lorentz factor \(\gamma = 1/\sqrt{1-\beta^2}\)

  • beta_gamma_ref reference particle momentum normalized to rest mass \(\beta\gamma = p/(mc)\)

  • s_ref integrated orbit path length, in meters

  • x_ref horizontal position x, in meters

  • y_ref vertical position y, in meters

  • z_ref longitudinal position z, in meters

  • t_ref clock time * c in meters

  • px_ref momentum in x, normalized to mass*c, \(p_x = \gamma \beta_x\)

  • py_ref momentum in y, normalized to mass*c, \(p_y = \gamma \beta_y\)

  • pz_ref momentum in z, normalized to mass*c, \(p_z = \gamma \beta_z\)

  • pt_ref energy, normalized by rest energy, \(p_t = -\gamma\)

  • mass_ref reference rest mass, in kg

  • charge_ref reference charge, in C

Bunch properties: all properties listed in Reduced Beam Characteristics.

Example to print the integrated orbit path length s at each beam monitor position:

import openpmd_api as io

series = io.Series("diags/openPMD/monitor.h5", io.Access.read_only)

for k_i, i in series.iterations.items():
    beam = i.particles["beam"]
    s_ref = beam.get_attribute("s_ref")
    print(f"step {k_i:>3}: s_ref={s_ref}")

Reduced Beam Characteristics

ImpactX calculates reduced beam characteristics based on the beam moments during runtime. These include averaged positions, momenta, beam emittances and Courant-Snyder (Twiss) parameters. For computing beam moments (as elsewhere), positions and momenta are given as deviations with respect to the reference particle (see Coordinates and Units).

The reduced beam characteristics are stored with the output of the beam monitor element. They are also calculated before, after, and during each step of the simulation. If diag.slice_step_diagnostics is enabled, they will also be calculated during each slice of each beamline element.

The code writes out the values in an ASCII file prefixed reduced_beam_characteristics containing the follow columns:

  • step

    Iteration within the simulation

  • s

    Reference particle coordinate s (unit: meter)

  • x_mean/min/max, y_mean/min/max, t_mean/min/max

    Average / minimum / maximum particle displacement with respect to the reference particle in the dimensions of x, y (transverse coordinates, unit: meter), and t (normalized time difference \(ct\), unit: meter)

  • sig_x, sig_y, sig_t

    Standard deviation of the particle positions (speed of light times time delay for t) (unit: meter)

  • px_mean/min/max, py_mean/min/max, pt_mean/min/max

    Average / minimum / maximum particle momentum deviation from the reference particle momentum, divided by the magnitude of the reference particle momentum (unit: dimensionless, radians for transverse momenta)

  • sig_px, sig_py, sig_pt

    Standard deviation of the particle momentum deviations (energy difference for pt) normalized by the magnitude of the reference particle momentum (unit: dimensionless)

  • emittance_x, emittance_y, emittance_t

    Unnormalized rms beam emittances (unit: meter)

  • alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_t

    Courant-Snyder (Twiss) alpha (unit: dimensionless). Transverse Twiss functions are calculated after removing correlations with particle energy.

  • beta_x, beta_y, beta_t

    Courant-Snyder (Twiss) beta (unit: meter). Transverse Twiss functions are calculated after removing correlations with particle energy.

  • dispersion_x, dispersion_y

    Horizontal and vertical dispersion (unit: meter)

  • dispersion_px, dispersion_py

    Derivative of horizontal and vertical dispersion (unit: dimensionless)

  • emittance_xn, emittance_yn, emittance_tn

    Normalized rms beam emittances (unit: meter)

  • emittance_1, emittance_2, emittance_3

    Normalized rms beam eigenemittances (aka mode emittances) (unit: meter) These three diagnostics are written optionally if the flag eigenemittances = True.

  • charge

    Total beam charge (unit: Coulomb)

Interactive Analysis

When steering ImpactX from Python, one can at any point visualize the beam phase space with:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from impactx import ImpactX, RefPart, distribution, elements

sim = ImpactX()

# ... setup and simulate ...

pc = sim.particle_container()

fig = pc.plot_phasespace()

# note: figure data available on MPI rank zero
if fig is not None:
In situ visualization of the beam phase space projections.

Fig. 16 In situ visualization of the beam phase space projections.